Level All
December 2024 - Current
Data Entry Assistant
December 2024 - Current
Data Entry Assistant
- Gather, research, validate, and enter relevant data into company’s database and worksheets
- Identify and correct data entry errors using appropriate quality control methods
- Provide general data entry support across various teams on an as needed basis
Corporate Accountability
June 2023 - February 2024
Operations and Recruitment Intern
June 2023 - February 2024
Operations and Recruitment Intern
- Utilized Google Sheets to review, analyze, and sort job qualifications within the organization to ensure that disabled, racial, and gender equity awareness requirements are updated and implemented.
- Coordinated organization-wide hybrid celebration for team members’ work anniversaries
Successfully served as project manager for a self-motivated intern podcast group, disability affinity group, and staff handbook redesign team
September 2022 - April 2023
Boston Writers of Color Intern
September 2022 - April 2023
Boston Writers of Color Intern
- Prioritized Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) in everyday tasks to affirm the support of Boston Writers of Color (BWOC)
- Researched opportunities specifically with writers of color in mind and prioritized sharing publications and fellowships that centered writers of color on the BWOC FaceBook group
- Assembled monthly newsletters for BWOC to amplify their accomplishments and good news to the rest of the community as well as share job and publishing opportunities
- Coordinated and moderated free writing sessions for BWOC taught by GrubStreet's own instructors of color once a month
April 2023 - December 2024
April 2023 - December 2024
- Approaches the lack of access to creative opportunities with workshops and resources such as web portfolio design, cover-letter writing, and sharing open calls for photographers, illustrators, etc.
- Centers community care by amplifying the works of underrepresented artists and makers and seeking out methods to fundraise for mutual aid efforts
- Prioritizes appropriate compensation for contributor’s labor, acknowledging the widespread exploitation of artists in the professional world
Lunchbox Magazine
Spring 2021 - December 2022
Founder, Co-Editor
Spring 2021 - December 2022
Founder, Co-Editor
- Developed, published, and manages an accessible print magazine with a 25 person team for Asian student storytellers at Emerson College
- Delegated with student-run organizations with a focus on uplifting underrepresented students
- Organized copyediting, design, and marketing workshops for newer team members
September 2019 - December 2021
Programming Director, Radio Show Host, Staff Writer
September 2019 - December 2021
Programming Director, Radio Show Host, Staff Writer
- Assemble programming schedule by conducting interviews with prospective student disc jockeys
- Successfully adapted live radio broadcast format to function completely remote via Zoom
- Broadcasts live radio show episodes weekly, coordinating new guest hosts per week and creating content accordingly
- Platform and highlight marginalized voices on shows such as "the Cherry Poppers," and "ASIA Radio Hour"
- Investigated the local development of music therapy in the greater Boston area
Overachiever Magazine
May 2020 - August 2021
Writer, Digital Artist, Business Liaison
May 2020 - August 2021
Writer, Digital Artist, Business Liaison
- Published findings on global implications of fast fashion in conjunction with the feminization of garment labor
- Examined the intersections of female, non-binary, and transgender identity with facets of Asian identity
Conducted outreach and interviewed Asian artists with recent project launches to platform their work
- Designed and illustrated magazine pages and the Overachiever website via Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, and InDesign
- Oversaw weekly and monthly analytics reports on social media and website engagement
The PieFace Column
March 2017 - October 2020
Editor-in-Chief, Curator, Writer
March 2017 - October 2020
Editor-in-Chief, Curator, Writer
- Developed an accessible platform for storytellers to learn the publishing process
- Networked with local schools, libraries, and youth programs to expand PieFace
- Delegated twenty contributors to ensure projects, social media posts, publication dates, and collaboration are on track
INDEX Magazine
January 2021 - December 2021
Art Director
January 2021 - December 2021
Art Director
- Directed, styled, and designed photoshoots and editorials
- Coordinated graphic designers, photographers, and visual artists with photoshoot and editorial directors
- Mastered Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, and InDesign
Asian Students in Alliance
January 2021 - May 2022
Co-Operations Chair
January 2021 - May 2022
Co-Operations Chair
- Coordinating weekly community meetings such as bubble tea discussions, movie nights, and dinners
- Organize cultural celebration events, such as student of color artist performances, street fair food festivals, film screenings
Emerson College
September 2021 - December 2022
172 Operations Assistant
September 2021 - December 2022
172 Operations Assistant
- Demonstrated firm communication skills and proficient understanding of facility and event operations
- Communicated directly and concisely with both peers and management
- Successfully learned to assess, react, and respond to a variety of complex situations that might arise in a fast-paced work environment
Pasadena Educational Foundation
May 2016 - August 2018 (summer only)
Teacher’s Aid, Office Assistant
May 2016 - August 2018 (summer only)
Teacher’s Aid, Office Assistant
- Assisted in teaching a joint third and fourth grade creative writing classes by prepping project materials, helping students complete assigned tasks, and ensuring the teacher’s needs were met
- Performed clerical work such as stuffing envelopes, organizing spreadsheets, and filing papers
September 2019 - December 2022
- Microsoft Word and Excel
- Google Suite
- AirTable, Trello, Notion
- Adobe Creative Suite (InDesign, Lightroom, Illustrator, Photoshop)
- Design: Cargo, Canva, Squarespace, WordPress
- American Sign Language (novice)
- Digital and Film Photography
- Creative Direction for Editorial Photoshoots
- Video editing (Final Cut Pro, Premiere Pro)
- Social Media Marketing and Branding
Honors + Accomplishments
- Tom Cooper Spirit of Emerson Award Winner – 2022
In honor of the creation of Lunchbox Magazine
- Emerson's Purple Key Leadership Society Inductee – 2023
- Dean's Honor List – 2019-2022
Current GPA: 3.81